Someone Once Told Me

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What Doesn't Kill You... Makes You Stronger!

1054 Dave submitted this via the SOTM Flickr group. He wrote: “Since I'm moving tomorrow I really need to get rid of this busted mirror. Fortunate for me I came across this group, and came up with an idea to put it to good use before I disposed of it.

"There's some irony in here somewhere, like a broken mirror means seven years bad luck? However, in spite of that old superstition, this somewhat intuitive quote seems appropriate.

"No humans were harmed in the creation of this composition!

“P.S. It's easy to make a mirror like mine, just gotta make sure it's made of glass, at least one meter tall, lean against the wall with the bottom about six inches away (the top where my elbow hit was only about an inch away from the wall), and gently but with good force (as if you had lost your balance and put your elbow out to keep from falling), push with your elbow on the edge about hte same distance down from the top as mine and voila! Cool busted mirror!”

corner corner corner corner


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