Someone Once Told Me

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I Promise I Was Only Filming Your Face

1964“Two years ago I was chosen to feature in a BBC documentary about Scottish tourism,” she explains in her audio clip “My story on the Isle of Skye about mythical fairies involves dipping my face in a river which is the secret to eternal youth.

“One has to dip their face in the river for seven seconds. My face was in the river and in probably the second second, I was aware that my skirt had blown up completely, and that I was exposing my underwear to a TV crew of around eight people, my tour of about 35 and a rival tour company of about 40 passengers.

“I stood up, tried to preserve some dignity and the cameraman came over and reassuringly told me this.”

Our charming subject is a tour guide for Haggis Adventures in Scotland and her SOTM was taken in Edinburgh, Scotland during the Blogmanay event for New Year’s Eve 2012.

The Blogmanay campaign was brought to you by Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and supported by VisitScotland, ETAG, Edinburgh Festivals, Haggis Adventures and Skyscanner.

The campaign bloggers were sourced and managed by iambassador.

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"Knowing this girl - which i do! I can tell you for a fact she is a direct desendant of those pesky wee fairies!! "

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