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Never Do Tabaco

1233A number of images have landed in the SOTM inbox recently, all from High Island, Texas, in the US. It would seem that a number of young people have got together in this community, which seems to be quite small, and sent in some excellent SOTM images and stories.

They’ll be seen on the site over the next few weeks.

Many thanks to everyone from High Island who has submitted their photos so far, it’s great to have them. Here’s High Island’s Wikipedia page.

So, to kick things off we have brandyn who was the first to send his image in. He wrote: “My parents told me to never do tabacco it is very bad you can die from it. It also turns your teeth yellow , and it stinks.This took place outside of Casey's room that my teach hahaha”

corner corner corner corner



"The poster spelled tobacco wrong in the photo #justsayin'"

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