Someone Once Told Me

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I B A Vole

525Foreign Language Friday: OK, OK, I know this isn't really in a foreign language, but it is a *kinda* foreign script.

It was sent in from Wells in Somerset, UK, by Abi who wrote: “I was in my Boyfriends bedroom just before he left to go travelling for five months (without me! EXAMS for me! Sob) and we were playing with fridge magnet letters on his bed..

"He spelt out "I love abi"; I went to get my camera and when he came back he said "I B A VOLE" (an anagram of I love abi) I did the same with his which is "I love dan" to "A LID OVEN" if you're interested! :); since then (A couple of days ago) instead of putting I love you on emails or letters or even talking, he says "I B A VOLE" You have to read it like texting for it to make sense! Lol”

corner corner corner corner



"I meant to say (me in the picture) its is an anagram of "I love Ab""

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