Someone Once Told Me

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The Only Stupid Question Is The One You Fail To Ask

519This is Abe Novy, whose user name on Flickr is AndYaDontStop. He sent this image in through the SOTM Flickr group. It was taken “in San Antonio, TX in my ‘studio’, haha...”

He added: “I am the devil's advocate. All my life it's been that way. You offer a thought, i'll present the other side of it, and we'll argue about it all night, even if I know you're right. I don't know why, but I've always liked to present the other side of what could be.

I have always been mystified by the question of ‘What if?’

What if I'd been born somewhere else?

What if I hadn't moved to another neighborhood when I was 10?

What if I had dropped out of college?

What if I hadn't quit that job at the children's shelter because they didn't give me that promotion?

What if the restaurant I worked for hadn't moved me from Denver back to San Antonio?

What if I hadn't broken up with that crazy ass older chick I dated?

What if I hadn't written a letter online to a beautiful Russian girl who lived up the road one day?

I ask these questions because I truly believe there is a reason for their answers. They have led me to the life I lead, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Can you ask yourself questions like these and say the same thing?”

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"Hey Abe! How you doing? Just up and thought about you today, thought I search for you on Facebook. Funny brain cells...Found you here. Just wanted to say Hi. Hope you're well. "

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