Someone Once Told Me

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Lo Imposible SoloTarda Un Poco Mas

637Foreign Language Friday: Sent in by Romi, who wrote: “My SOTM means -Impossible just takes a little longer-. Last year, I had this boyfriend who lived 800km away from me, it was a hideous LDR that was making me really unhappy cos' I kept thinking that it was impossible to carry on and not being down at the same time.

"So my best friend, who is more like a sister to me, Tina, also in the picture, told me this quote from a Nonpalidece song, an Argentinian reggae band that we like. It made me realise at the moment that it's up top you to make things work in the way you want them to be..

"It was up to me to make that relationship worth the drama and the distance.. Impossible things just take longer, that extra time and effort you have to put into what you do to make dreams come true. Taken in Costanera, Villa Carlos Paz, Cba, Argentina”

corner corner corner corner



"that's me on the picture! we had so much fun that day, trying to take the perfect photo. Impossible just takes a little longer, never forget that! Romi you are my life ♥"


"dem cierto, a veces uno no lo nota!!! o mas bien no lo piensa!"


"buenisimo! me encanta! bienvenida al club SOTM! :)"

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