Someone Once Told Me

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You're The Girl That Puked In The Elevator!!

969Samantha Parsons submitted her SOTM from Leduc, Alberta, Canada, along with quite a tale. She explains: “I went on a student exchange trip the summer before my senior year to quebec. Needless to say there were parties every night! I guess I thought I could hold more than I did, and I ended up ... sharing my excitement with a full elevator of other students in the college residence.

"For the next couple weeks, other teenagers I hadn't met before would come up to me and asked me if I was ‘the girl that puked in the elevator’. An asian kid that towered over me, who was standing next to me, actually said this to me probably about two nights after it happened, in the same elevator that was again chock full of people!

It was dead silent in the elevator before he said anything and then it was like one of those moments in life where you finally understand a joke someone told you months ago, a chorus of ‘ahh's’. Guess you could say I was popular for the next 2 months!

corner corner corner corner


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