Someone Once Told Me

World Tour

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2421“When I was growing up my dad used to work a lot to provide for us,” Robert says in his audio clip.

”As a kid I wouldn’t understand how hard he worked or how hard it was to get the things we had, like a decent house, and clothes, and food every night.

”I never really appreciated it and I’d waste a lot of stuff. I’d break my toys as a kid, or throw food away when I didn’t want to eat it.

”So one day, after I got a spanking, my dad told me this. I didn’t really know what that meant as a kid, but once I grew up a bit and became an adult, I realised you never really know what you had until you miss it.

”This phrase really struck home because my dad passed away on December 26 and I had to go back to his apartment and clean out his stuff. I never knew how much I really appreciated my dad until I lost him. This phrase is probably something I’ll tell my kids.”

Robert later told me the cap he was wearing was his father’s.

Taken in Manila, Philippines during the SOTM World Tour.

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